- Games, Streams, Videos, and Code -

What Is Zandercraft?

Hello and welcome to Zandercraft! Zandercraft is an online group of services established by me, Zander. There are multiple different branches of Zandercraft. These include Zandercraft Games (online entertainment through YouTube and Twitch), the Zandercraft Bot (a multi-functional Discord bot with over 247k users across over 26k Discord servers), Canadian Republic of Rangers (an online Minecraft community) and various other projects.

the Privet Drive sign with an owl on it from the Harry Potter Minecraft Zandercraft YouTube series


The Zandercraft YouTube channel is full of lots of gaming goodness along with a couple of other topics. Here you can watch HD, high-quality videos with some of your favourite Zandercraft gaming personalities from our streams (Zander, Lucas, TheGreenFazbear, Kashall and more). 


Watch, interact, chat, and play with us live in real-time on Twitch. With regular live streams of games like Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, Among Us, a custom chatbot that you can play games with, and a tightly-knit community, the fun never stops.  Make sure to follow to be notified when you can catch us live!

screenshot from a Medieval Survival Zandercraft Games livestream on Twitch

Zandercraft Team

the Zandercraft logo


Owner, Streamer, Developer

Zander is a Canadian YouTuber, live streamer, gamer, tech lover, and programming enthusiast. He has been streaming and building online communities through Discord and Minecraft for over three years now. He started hosting and maintaining the Zandercraft Bot in 2017 and is currently it’s lead developer.

Kashall's profile picture


Developer, Stream Personality

Kashall is an American live streamer, NodeJS Javascript developer, tech lover, and gamer. He is a great and invaluable developer and regularly moderates and plays on the ZandercraftGames livestreams.

TheGreenFazbear's profile picture


Stream Moderator and Personality

TheGreenFazbear is an American live streamer, YouTuber, and gamer. You can generally find him moderating and hanging out chatting on the ZandercraftGames live streams and Discord server. A FNAF fan, he is the perfect person to talk to on the subject.

Zandercraft Bot

Our custom Discord Bot is a chat, productivity, GIFs, and fun bot. It's crowning feature is it's ability to play high-quality music. This feature is activated using the /play {song name}. It also has moderation features and commands like /randommeme to fetch a meme from Imgur, or /randomdog to get an image/video/gif of a dog. The Zandercraft Bot is hosted on our high-speed servers in North America.

Discord Servers
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Discord Members
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"This is one of my favorite bots and I’ve been using this on my Discord server for quite a while. It is a full-fledged package that lays emphasis on chat, productivity, GIFs, and fun – which is also quite essential in our life. However, the highlight of the bot is not it’s funky antics but the ability to play [high quality] music. Yes, if you are a music junkie then it’s the perfect tool for your server. I’ve had Zandercraft connected to the voice channel on my server forever. You can [...] add just about any song to Zandercraft’s playlist..." - #5 on Top 10 Useful Discord Bots.
"While the Zandercraft bot is known for its productivity, GIFs, and fun features, I have used it for months just to play music... If you are a music junkie then it’s the perfect tool for your server... If you love to stream Hi-Fi music, and you’re looking for Discord music bots that can handle that, you should definitely check out Zandercraft." - #7 on 10 Best Discord Music Bots.
"Zandercraft is a helpful bot for all video and music enthusiasts. The developer claims that Zandercraft is a chat, productivity, GIFs, and fun bot. Though the major highlight of Zandercraft is the ability to play [high quality] music. You can add almost any song to Zandercraft’s playlist." - #7 on 15 Best Discord Bots of 2020.
Ranked #15 on "Top Best Discord Bots For Your Server".
"Zandercraft is one of the finest music bots, [...] It provides high-quality audio." - #5 on 13 Best Discord Music Bots
"When it comes to Discord Servers, you cannot forget Zandercraft. We loved this Bot throughout our usage. Zandercraft is a great Bot when it comes to packing some of the cool features for chatting, GIFs, productivity, and fun. It is quite an essential Bot to have on your Discord Server, without a doubt..." - #4 on 10 Top and Amazing Discord Bots To Complement Your Server.
"This software is a multifunctional software with many great uses, and I highly Suggest you try it out... This discord software brings out the best when it comes to sharing your favourite music [...] via discord! Try it out; you won’t regret it!" - #6 on 10 Best Discord Bots to Use in 2021.

Community Discord Server

Hang out, chat, share memes, play games, get updates about Zandercraft services, and get notified when we go live in our community Discord server, The Zandcastle.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you have regarding our services using the following methods.

© 2024 Zandercraft. All Rights Reserved.

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